Ongoing pain from an injury can impact your well-being and your ability to perform normal daily tasks. Whether your injury is from an athletic event, work injury, or auto accident injury, your local sports injury center can help with a variety of effective treatments. Acupuncture in Chicago is a well-known alternative method for treating pain and dysfunction from injuries of many kinds.
Understanding How Acupuncture Works
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing practice that uses very fine needles to block the energy pathways in the body. The needles are inserted into specific points in the body and work by \blocking the nerve pathways that send signals to the brain to register pain. Over several sessions, acupuncture can be an effective method of reducing discomfort and improving healing in injured areas. The insertion of the needles does not cause pain, but you may feel a pinching sensation at the site.
Conditions Acupuncture Can Help
Acupuncture can be used to help a wide range of physical conditions. It is generally used to help with back pain, muscle pain, neck discomfort, sciatica, arthritis, dental pain, and headaches. In addition, acupuncture can be used to treat a number of other conditions not related to musculoskeletal injury.
There’s no need to live with chronic pain from an accident or musculoskeletal disorder. A wide range of modalities can be used to reduce painful symptoms and improve your physical function. If you are considering acupuncture in Chicago for an injury or disorder, contact Chicago Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centers for an appointment to learn how this ancient practice can improve your discomfort.