Reasons to Hire DUI Defense Lawyers in Mesa, AZ

by | Feb 13, 2017 | Lawyers


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The team at the law firm of Janet R. Feeley, L.L.C. understands that even a good person can make a bad choice, and they believe in second chances. If a person faces drunk driving charges, DUI defense lawyers in Mesa, AZ can help them put together a defense that may result in reduced charges or a lesser sentence. Below, defendants can learn several compelling reasons to hire a DUI attorney.


Every DUI is different, and although it’s possible to find online resources listing possible defenses, these strategies aren’t case-specific. A local DUI lawyer, however, has handled similar cases, and he or she can use that experience to help the client build a defense based on their situation.


Arizona DUI lawyers understand the state’s judicial system from all angles, particularly when it comes to disproving evidence. For instance, they know about the unreliability of field sobriety tests and breathalyzers, and they can use those insights to form a defense that’s specific to the client’s case.

Access to Industry Witnesses

If a client needs an industry witness to offer testimony on his or her behalf, DUI defense lawyers in Mesa, AZ may be able to find someone to fulfill the role. Defense attorneys have access to witnesses with a variety of knowledge, and they can call on them as required.


If the Mesa police have significant evidence against a client, a defendant may feel hopeless about the case’s outcome. However, even in cases where a DUI conviction is highly likely, an experienced attorney may be able to negotiate a reduced or suspended sentence on a client’s behalf. While it’s not always possible to eliminate charges, in many cases, a lawyer may be able to have them reduced.

DUI cases can have lifelong effects and, in some cases, they can prevent a person from holding certain jobs. If someone is facing charges of driving under the influence, the stakes are very high. A DUI lawyer from Mesa will assess the client’s case and help them determine how best to proceed. Visit  to learn more about the firm or schedule a consultation with a defense attorney today.

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