Reasons to Hire Only Reliable Surprise Social Security Disability Lawyers

by | Jun 21, 2024 | Lawyers


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It is often difficult for people with disabilities that prevent them from working. The challenge is not just in the physical and emotional toll of dealing with a disability; it is also in the challenge of trying to get the benefits they are entitled to under Social Security Disability.

The Social Security Disability Insurance programme is managed by the Social Security Administration. The application is lengthy and detailed, and it may be difficult to complete. Hiring reliable Social Security disability lawyers is an effective way to assist in the approval of the initial application. Most people do not use an attorney for the initial application, and there is currently about a 65% denial rate with the initial application.

Having reliable Surprise Social Security Disability lawyers on your side becomes essential if you are one of the 65% of applicants that receive a denial of benefits letter. It is essential to know there are different levels of appeal, and it is crucial to follow the requirements for each level and to avoid missing any deadlines.

Appeal Steps

As the Social Security disability lawyers can tell you, the first level of appeal rarely results in an overturning of the denial. This first step is known as reconsideration, and it is basically a review of the findings of the first disability examiner by another disability examiner. If the first examiner did not make a mistake, the denial is upheld.

The second step is for the administrative law judge to hear the case. This has to be requested 60 days from the denial, which may be the original denial in states that no longer offer the reconsideration step. This stage, which allows the introduction of new evidence and documentation, has about a 50% chance of winning the case.

If the denial is upheld at the ALJ hearing, there is still the option to proceed to the Appeals Council and then a Federal Court review. Your attorney can represent you through all of the stages of the process if he or she is experienced in Social Security disability cases. Contact Slepian Ellexson, PLLC for the legal representation you need. Visit for more information!

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