As a worker in Michigan, you are entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim when you’ve been injured at work. This type of coverage can pay for things such as medical costs from the injury and lost wages because of your disability. The amount of money you’re entitled to will depend on the type of injury or disability you’re suffering from. Whether an injury is permanent or temporary will also affect a number of benefits you’re eligible for. Protecting your rights and financial future during this time is very important. To receive the highest workers compensation settlements in Clinton Township MI, you should contact an attorney as quickly as possible to complete the necessary paperwork for your claim.
The most important thing to do when you’ve been injured is to contact a supervisor immediately. If a worker is incapacitated and needs emergency care on the job, this could waive the formal notice to a supervisor. If a worker isn’t incapacitated, they should seek medical treatment immediately after they’ve given their supervisor notification. If a worker is going to be off of work for more than a week, it is their employer’s responsibility to file a report with the state Workers’ Compensation Agency and their insurance company. The insurance company makes the final determination whether to pay benefits under the policy.
When a claim is approved, a worker should receive 80 percent of their average weekly wage. If a worker is only partially disabled, the calculation is different. A worker that is off for two weeks or more after their injury can collect the first seven days of wages as a retroactive compensation payment. When an employee is permanently disabled, the insurance company will offer them a settlement. The best way to receive the highest Workers Compensation Settlements in Clinton Township MI is with the assistance of an experienced attorney. This is another important step in the process because it involves a worker’s financial future.
When you’ve been injured on the job, it’s a very good idea to hire an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. Employers and insurance companies are not always truthful in their dealings with these types of situations, and an attorney will make sure the result of your claim is the best possible.