Time to Change to a Family Dentist in Lafayette LA

by | Sep 18, 2014 | Dentist


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Dentists are supposed to care for your teeth just as much as you do. However, it doesn’t happen that way sometimes. If that’s the case in your present situation, maybe it’s time to switch to a Family Dentist in Lafayette LA. Here are some reasons your oral care may be faltering.

You change your dentist often

Who is your dentist? Do you change dentists ever few months? It’s important that you have a trusted general dentist that knows about your medical history and oral health. The closest and most comfortable is the best relationship between patient and healthcare professional. If you frequently change dentists, especially within the same clinic, this means there is a high turnover of professionals or a lack of interest in a close doctor-patient relationship.

The dentist did not explain the treatment well

Your dentist should explain the treatment and answer all your questions. It’s important that your dentist devote sufficient time to explain the treatment, its duration and any necessary information associated with it.

Your medical history is not up to date or is not properly guarded

It’s important that all your data as a patient (information about past illnesses and treatments) is disclosed in detail in the medical record. Check to see if your dentist updates your record properly with all the relevant information during the session or, at best, at the end of the session. Note that many dental treatments may be influenced by other diseases and vice versa.

They only care about teeth

The health of your mouth is much more than just teeth. A full scan also includes gums, jaw joints, mucous membranes, tongue, and verifying the presence or absence of oral cancer, etc.

They do not care prevention

If your Family Dentist in Lafayette LA does not emphasize prevention, then you should switch dentists. Be suspicious if:

1. The dentist does not provide personal information about keeping your mouth healthy.
2. They did not explain how to perform good oral hygiene (brushing techniques, flossing, mouthwash, toothpaste, etc.).
3. They do not recommend regular professional dental cleanings.
4. The dentist did not advise on the care and maintenance of dental work.
5. They did not give advice on your diet.
6. They do not care about the state of your gums.

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