Understanding Hypertension With the Help of a Clinic in Maui

by | Sep 4, 2017 | Health Care


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High salt intake is associated with elevated blood pressure. According to a recent survey, more than 85% of men and 60% of women have a salt or sodium intake that exceeds the recommended upper limit of 2300 mg per day. A Clinic in Maui can easily determine if a person has high blood pressure.

Secondary high blood pressure

Secondary hypertension may result from another health problem, such as a kidney or endocrine problem or aortic birth defects. It can also be caused by the frequent use of certain medicines, such as anti-inflammatories, which create a retention of water and salt, bronchodilators, which have a stimulating effect on the heart and nasal decongestants due to the ephedrine they contain (a substance whose effect resembles that of adrenaline secreted under stress).

It can also come from the use of illegal drugs, such as cocaine and amphetamines. Secondary hypertension appears more suddenly and blood pressure is often higher.

Understanding blood pressure

A person’s blood pressure consists of systolic and diastolic pressures, which are measured in millimeters of mercury, or mmHg. Systolic pressure corresponds to the blood pressure when the heart contracts and sends blood into the arteries. It ensures a blood supply throughout the body.

The diastolic pressure is the pressure that continues to be exerted on the arteries between each contraction. At this point, the heart relaxes and resumes its volume, allowing the heart chambers to fill with blood. This pressure tends to increase with age, but past 60, it gradually diminishes due to the weakening of the blood vessels.

This is just one reason to routinely see a Clinic in Maui. When a person has a reading of 120/80, 120 corresponds to the systolic pressure and 80 to the diastolic pressure.


Before a diagnosis of high blood pressure is made, the physician measures the blood pressure a few times during successive visits. Indeed, it can vary during the day and vary from one day to another. Stress or nervousness tends to increase significantly when a patient enters his or her doctor’s office and his or her blood pressure lowers when the patient leaves.

This is called “white coat syndrome”. To avoid this type of reaction, the Wailea Medical Center may propose to the patient that he or she takes their own blood pressure. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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