Using Family Dentistry In Salem OR For A Child’s Teeth Cleaning Appointment

by | Jan 19, 2016 | Dentist


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When a child is going to be visiting the dentist for the first time, preparing them is a great way to make sure they are not scared when the big appointment arrives. It is a great idea to research Family Dentistry in Salem OR well before the child’s appointment to make sure the facility they use will be one they will feel comfortable with.

The best way to prepare a child for the dentist is by having them watch someone else have a teeth cleaning procedure done. The child can go along with their parents or a sibling to see what the ordeal is all about in an attempt to lessen their anxiety when it becomes time for their own appointment.

Call the dentist where the appointment will be held and find out if the child could come to the office to take an advance tour. They would be able to sit in the dentist’s chair, look at all the tools and instruments that will be used to clean teeth, and then follow this up with the observation process when their family member takes the chair. This will give the child a chance to see the procedure first hand as well as ask questions if they have any.

In the days before the appointment, people can ask the child questions about the dental procedure. This will make the child feel important in the knowledge they had obtained from their tour. They will most likely be willing to share their experience with others, adding to the importance they feel about the trip. They will most likely start to become excited for their own appointment. When the appointment has ended, make sure to reward the child for a job well done in getting through the teeth cleaning procedure without any negative incidents.

If someone needs further information about preparing a child for the dentist, they can Get additional info here. Someone from a reputable Family Dentistry in Salem OR would be available via the phone number on the site to give additional tips and an appointment can be made for the child to take a tour if requested.

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