When Should You Be Seen By Urgent Care?

by | Sep 26, 2014 | Healthcare


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If you have a life-threatening illness or injury, you need to go to your closest emergency room. If you have an illness or injury that needs treatment right away, but is not considered life-threatening, you can be seen at the Urgent Care Clinic in Maui. Sometimes, it can be difficult to know whether your condition requires emergency care or you need to seek urgent care. Through this information, you will know more about the services urgent care centers offer, so you can know when to seek their care.

1. You will need to be treated if you have an accident or a fall. The urgent care center can take X-rays and perform diagnostic testing, to ensure you do not have any internal injuries. They will treat your injuries, so you are fully stabilized.
2. If you have a minor broken bone, such as a finger or toe, the urgent care center can help. If you have a severe break, such as a compound fracture, you need to be seen at the emergency room.
3. The urgent care center can treat you for vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration. If you are vomiting blood or have bloody diarrhea, you should be treated at the emergency room.
4. Fever or flu symptoms often cannot wait for you to get in to see your regular doctor. Through the Clinic in Maui, you can receive the medical care you need, right away.
5. Urinary tract infections can cause severe pain and discomfort. It is important you are treated as soon as possible when you have the symptoms of a UTI.
6. Asthma attacks can typically be cared for through urgent care, unless the attack is severe.
7. Sore throats, colds and fevers can also be treated.

If your condition requires medical care as soon as possible, but is not life-threatening, consider urgent care for your medical treatment. They can provide you with a wide array of medical services, so you can be treated until you can get in to see your regular doctor. For more information on the services available through urgent care, Visit the website. They will be glad to provide you with the care you need, when you need it the most.

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