Loose diamonds are perfect for replacing a lost stone or creating custom jewelry. They are also an excellent investment because loose stones typically retain most of their value. Purchasing diamonds in that way can be difficult because many jewelers do not have them available in large quantities. Jewelers may have some in stock if they make custom jewelry for customers, but rarely sell diamonds on their own. It is possible to get loose Diamonds in Sturbridge MA and select the perfect one from thousands available.
A jewelry store that has been in business for almost seventy years, Cormier Jewelers, offers loose diamonds for purchase. Trained staff and certified gemologists are available for selection assistance, to answer any questions about diamonds, and make sure customers leave with the color, shape, and clarity they desire. Custom pieces can be designed using personally selected diamonds for a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry. Discuss some ideas with the professionals and let them design something special. A cutting edge software program is also available to let customers see what the finished piece will look like as well as provide suggestions for resetting or redesigning existing jewelry. The possibilities are endless, and customers can change elements, design components, and stones as often as necessary to create the unique piece they have in mind.
The pricing for Loose Diamonds in Sturbridge MA is affordable. The company has a website as well as a physical location, so volume sales help to keep prices as low as possible. Those who believe that diamonds are not within financial reach should visit the site or stop in to learn otherwise. The site has a Diamond Search Engine that will find options based on entered criteria. It is fast and easy to find diamonds to suit preferences and budgets. Customers can enter the shape desired from eleven different options. Indicating a price range is the next step. Users are also prompted to select carat weight, color, the grade of the cut, and the desired clarity rating. Clarity has six options that range from flawless to eye visible. The application will present all the choices available that fit those parameters. Diamonds are shipped free of charge, and satisfaction is guaranteed.