If you’re looking for a new type of cigar to smoke, you may want to try one or more from the selection offered by Villiger cigars. This company was founded in 1888 by Jean Villiger and is still headquartered in Pfeffikon, Switzerland. Today, it’s led by Heinrich Villiger and produces over 1.5 billion cigars each year. You’ll find high-quality products when you decide to smoke cigars from this company.
Crafted for Your Enjoyment
When you decide to choose Villiger cigars, you can try different cigars from their complete product line or single out a couple of favorites and just smoke those. The handmade cigars that this company makes are skillfully crafted by hand and wrapped in premium tobacco leaves. The craftsmanship that is used on their big cigars is completed to help ensure that you have an enjoyable experience when you decide to sit down and smoke.
Creating Villiger Cigars
When these cigars are created, high-quality tobaccos are selected and used as a filler. This is combined with a tobacco leaf that is used for the wrapper and binder, which complements the tobacco that’s used inside of the cigar. This helps ensure that the final product is a handmade cigar that includes just the right blends of different tobaccos. Villiger also has small cigars that are an excellent choice to enjoy with a cocktail. Smoking time for these mini cigars is about 10 to 15 minutes.
Buying from a Reputable Online Seller
When you are looking for big or small cigars, it helps to buy them from a reputable online seller. This type of seller will usually carry a wide variety of selections from your favorite brand. You should be able to find cigars that are from Villiger when you look through the inventory of this type of site. This allows you to choose new cigars or ones you have already tried and enjoyed.