How Can A Disability Benefits Lawyer Help You?

by | Sep 14, 2017 | Lawyers


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Although each case is unique, anyone contemplating entering a claim for disability benefits in Des Plains may want to consider hiring a disability benefits lawyer. There are two types of benefits; SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) and SSI (Supplemental Security Income). Although these benefit programs employ a similar application process, the rules that apply and those that can apply are quite different.

Those that are claiming disability benefits are free to prepare the initial claim and even go through the appeals process in the event their initial claim is denied. Although this is the case, claimants, especially those that were denied benefits, will find that a seasoned disability benefits lawyer can be of significant help. A lawyer can help you win your claim as well as getting you an onset date that is in your favor. The onset date of your disability plays a big part in establishing the amount of benefit granted.

A lawyer can help appeal should you be denied benefits:

There are times when seeking legal assistance makes sense from the outset but in most cases it is not necessary to consult with a disability benefits lawyer until such time as you find out your claim was denied.

Even though you are of the opinion that you meet all the rules and that you should be granted benefits, don’t be surprised if your claim is denied; close to three quarters of all claims are denied.

Statistically, claimants are more than twice as likely to be approved for benefits if they are represented by a lawyer during the hearing stage of the appeals process. There is a considerable amount of detail required to win disability benefits in Des Plains, a lawyer can help gather medical records, get current opinions from those treating you and prepare you to answer questions that the Administrative Law Judge may ask.

If you have been denied Social Security disability benefits in Des Plains you are invited to contact

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