The Rapidly Evolving State of Hispanic Food Distribution in Connecticut

by | Aug 25, 2015 | Food


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The American palate is becoming much more adventurous. For decades, Americans were known as some of the world’s pickiest eaters, tending to stick, wherever they went, to foods they were already comfortable with. Over the course of the last twenty years, though, that has changed quickly. Today, American diners are just as apt to seek out foods from the hinterlands of India or the mountainous parts of Burma as to opt for pot roast, barbecue, or other down-home favorites.

This development can easily be seen in the state of Hispanic Food Distribution in Connecticut. For many years, that meant stocking up Tex-Mex restaurants in the state with all the prerequisites of that hearty, hybrid cuisine. Palm-sized wheat flour tortillas, beef skirt steak for fajitas, sour cream, and plenty of cheese: While these ingredients were collectively distinctive in their own way, they were still, in many respects, close to what the average local diner had grown up with.

The face of Hispanic Food Distribution in Connecticut looks very different today. While all the classics of Tex-Mex cooking are still widely available and greatly appreciated, a whole new roster of ingredients has been put together in the intervening years. Specialists at Hispanic Food Distribution in the area today go well beyond the areas of Mexico that border Texas in their search for products.

That means, for instance, supplying restaurants with ingredients that are specific to particular regions of Mexico farther from the border. It is easier today than ever before to find the especially hot, fresh chili peppers that are endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula, along with the exotic spices used in the rich mole sauces of the state of Puebla.

It also means that chefs and diners can expect to find ingredients that are common even farther south. The cuisines of Honduras and El Salvador now regularly feature in the dinner plans of locals, and wholesalers in the state have taken notice. With pupusas and arepas now being almost as commonly sought as the fajitas and burritos that have been mainstays for so long, the state of Hispanic food in Connecticut is changing quickly and for the better.

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