General Dentists Provide Service for Uncomplicated Wisdom Teeth Removal in Bridgeport, CT

by | Sep 5, 2019 | Dentistry


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Wisdom Teeth Removal in Bridgeport CT can be performed by a general dentist as long as the procedure is not a complicated one requiring surgery. General dentists typically do not remove impacted wisdom teeth, instead referring those patients to oral surgeons. Although removing teeth that are not impacted may not be necessary, many individuals prefer to have this done to prevent future problems.

Common Problems

Those teeth far to the back are prone to developing cavities because their position makes the teeth difficult to keep clean. Decay can spread to nearby teeth, and gum disease is a risk. Some men and women eventually have trouble with infections of those teeth or cysts developing. Wisdom Teeth Removal in Bridgeport CT prevents these problems with the extraction of teeth that are not necessary for chewing or a pleasant smile.

Age Considerations

Some young men and women may feel conflicted about having healthy teeth removed. However, many dentists believe it’s better to remove those molars during young adulthood because extraction is easier when a patient is younger. The teeth roots continue to lengthen for years and become solidly affixed in the jawbone around age 40.

The jawbone also increases in hardness throughout those adult years. Later, extraction is significantly more difficult compared with having the procedure completed earlier at a clinic such as Commerce Park Cosmetic Dentistry.

In addition, waiting to see whether problems develop can lead to other disorders. For example, cysts that form in the gums can cause nerve pain. When surgery is required to remove wisdom teeth with long roots firmly established in the bone, there may be permanent unavoidable nerve damage that results in a sense of chronic numbness or tingling.

Post-Removal Behavior

Even though oral surgery is not required for these extractions, the patients still must follow post-removal instructions provided by the clinic. It’s best to only eat soft foods for the first day or two. The patient should avoid sucking on straws or ice pops since suction can loosen clots in the wounds. Those clots are important for protecting the open space while it heals. If a clot becomes dislodged, the open space can become inflamed and very painful.

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