Many Victims Need an Accident Lawyer in Albuquerque, NM

by | Jan 11, 2017 | Lawyers


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There is a statute of limitations on the filing of a claim for an accident. This means that there is a limited amount of time for a victim to file a claim for pain, suffering, lost wages, and other things that can be compensated after an accident has occurred. Victims often feel they can represent themselves until they begin discussing the case with the insurance company. The insurance company will try to extract as much information as they can from a victim to calculate their risk for the accident. They will try to make a determination if the victim settles for less money than they’re entitled to. An accident lawyer in Albuquerque, NM will not allow for someone to be compensated for less than they deserve.

When someone’s involved in a serious accident, it can prevent them from enjoying their everyday activities and emotional trauma. When they’re not at fault for the accident, they should not have to suffer financially, emotionally, and physically. Motorcycle and tractor trailer truck accidents can result in some of the most life-threatening or permanent injuries on the highways today. Careless and distracted drivers don’t look carefully before changing lanes and crash into motorcycles, sending the driver sailing through the air off their bike. Even with a helmet on, they can suffer broken bones, internal injuries, or be permanently scarred for life.

The sheer weight of a tractor trailer is no match for other drivers on the highway today. Driver fatigue and poor maintenance on the truck or the trailer can easily cause a fatal accident. An accident lawyer in Albuquerque, NM will thoroughly investigate all of the records for the truck, trailer and driver. Permanent injuries deserve to be fairly compensated. If someone loses their life as a result of their injuries, a personal injury claim will be converted into a wrongful death case. Certain surviving family members or the executor of the estate can file a claim on behalf of the deceased individual.

Carter & Valle Law Firm successfully represents clients who have suffered a personal injury due to an accident or medical malpractice. Their years of experience can lead to a successful outcome in the case. For more information about their services, please click here.

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