Proper Steps For Bee Control in Pittsburgh, PA

by | May 26, 2020 | Pest Control


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There’s no denying the importance of bees in our ecosystem. Bees benefit us and the environment in a number of ways. However, bees can also become an inconvenience and a danger when they begin to dwell near homes. Bees have been known to attack people and animals, and some of these attacks have been fatal. This is why it’s so important to act accordingly in order to avoid this from happening.

Prevention is one of the most effective keys to Pittsburgh, PA Bee Control. There are a number of mistakes homeowners make that encourage their bee problems. For instance, leaving your trash can open and having food exposed. Certain bees are attracted to sweets and any foods with sugar. If you leave these types of foods exposed around your home, bees will eventually begin to come around. Remove or cover this trash in order to deter the bees.

Correctly identifying the problem is another thing that must be done. Do you have a bee problem or a wasp problem? Often times the two insects are mistaken for one another because their physical characteristics are so similar. While wasps more smooth and slender, bees are more hairy and round. It’s important to identify them correctly, because the removal process is very different for the two.

Bee control in Pittsburgh, PA can be very difficult. Why? Simply because bees aren’t that easy to get rid of. Once bees find a place they can call home, they tend to focus on staying there as much as possible. Spraying and killing a bee here or there won’t do. Bees are very persistent and will only continue to build their hives. That being said, in order to get your bee problem under control you’ll need to remove the hive altogether. If the hive is extremely small, you may be able to do this yourself. However, if the hive is larger, you’ll need to call a professional beehive remover for assistance.

Bees are very dangerous insects and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Do as much as you can to deter bees from hanging around your home. Correctly identify them and call The Bee Man to find helpful information.

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