Tips for Handling Catastrophic Injury Claims

by | Aug 16, 2016 | Injury Attorney


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All personal injury cases are unique, and a plaintiff’s actions can affect the outcome. How a person approaches his or her medical care after an injury can determine the success or failure of Catastrophic Injury Claims. Below are several tips to help victims build stronger cases for compensation.

Get Treatment Quickly

Even if a person does not believe their injuries are serious, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Prompt medical care can help a plaintiff document his or her injuries and establish a link to the event, and it can ensure treatment for issues that may cause symptoms in the future. It is common for a victim not to experience pain after an accident, and many injuries are discovered only when a doctor takes an x-ray. Patients should return to the doctor’s office if they have new symptoms in the days after the accident.

Report Every Symptom

Depending on the severity of injuries and pain, a patient may have to visit multiple physicians. When a doctor visit occurs, the patient should note all symptoms they’ve experienced after the accident. It is important to write down all symptoms to prevent discrepancies in the medical record. By keeping records consistent from one physician to the next, a plaintiff can reduce the chances of having Catastrophic Injury Claims questioned or denied.

Describe and Document

A person should be specific when describing his or her symptoms, to help the jury and the defense understand the degree of suffering. A plaintiff should be very descriptive when communicating with doctors, and they should document the injuries with notes and photographs.

Provide Medical History

If the accident worsened a pre-existing condition, the victim can get compensation. A plaintiff should not attempt to hide the condition from the defense or the physician, as it can be harmful to the case. Ask a personal injury lawyer with website how to disclose medical history in a way that fulfills obligations while maintaining privacy.

Communicate With the Attorney

A personal injury lawyer should understand every part of the plaintiff’s case to maximize compensation. Therefore, the victim should honestly and openly discuss his or her symptoms and their effects on daily life. Clients should keep the attorney updated on important developments in their care or changes in diagnosis.

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