When to Consider Visiting a Salt Lake City Hair Restoration Clinic

by | Apr 3, 2023 | Hair Restoration


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Hair loss is very common and affects people the world over. There are a variety of factors that lead to hair loss such as genetics, stress, hormonal imbalances, medications, or injury. In Salt Lake City, hair restoration clinics offer effective and safe treatments for people experiencing hair loss. But how do you know when it’s time to seek the help of a professional?

In this blog post, you’ll learn the signs that may indicate it’s time to consider visiting a Salt Lake City hair restoration clinic.

Excessive Hair Shedding

It is normal to lose about fifty to one hundred hairs per day, but if you are experiencing excessive or sudden hair shedding, it could be a sign of a larger issue. If you notice clumps of hair falling out or your hair seems to be thinning at an alarming rate, it may be time to seek help from a hair restoration clinic such as Argyle Hair Solutions.

Receding Hairline

Men and women experience receding hairlines differently, but it is a common symptom of hair loss that should be taken seriously. A receding hairline can make people feel self-conscious and impact their self-esteem. If you notice your hairline is starting to recede, it’s a good time to schedule a visit to a hair restoration clinic.

Bald Patches

Bald patches are another indication that you may need to seek professional help. These patches could be a sign of alopecia, an autoimmune disease that attacks hair follicles, or a fungal infection, among others. It is important to identify the cause of your bald patches and get the appropriate treatment from a professional.

Changes in Hair Texture

If you notice changes in hair texture such as dryness, brittleness, or dullness, it could be a sign of a larger issue. Changes in hair texture could be due to a variety of factors, including nutritional deficiencies, hormonal changes, or medical conditions. A hair restoration clinic can help diagnose the underlying cause and recommend the appropriate treatment.

Poor Hair Growth

If you notice that your hair is not growing as it used to or if it is growing slower, it could be time to seek help from a professional. A Salt Lake City hair restoration clinic can identify the cause of slow hair growth and recommend treatments such as hair transplant, scalp micro pigmentation, or medications that will help stimulate hair growth.

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