Children need the love and support of both parents. When one parent no longer resides in the home, they may be required to pay child support to ensure the children have everything they need. Children should not be made to suffer at this time.
Every state recognizes the importance of this support and has an agency in place to help custodial parents request and obtain the funds. This child support office provides the services for free or a small fee depending on the financial circumstances of the individual requesting help in securing or obtaining the support. Should a parent hire a child support attorney in Torrance, CA for help as well?
When to Hire an Attorney
Parents may find they need to hire an attorney to assist with the child support order if they find they are having other issues with their spouse about the children. The child support agency does not address these matters, as their only concern is to make certain the non-custodial parent fulfills any financial obligations. Child custody and visitation, therefore, are best handled by an attorney who deals with family law, and they can be of assistance with child support as part of resolving the issues.
How the Attorney Can Help with Child Support Issues
Filing for child support requires certain documents to be provided to the court. The attorney can be of help in filing the correct paperwork and gathering any documentation needed to support the claim. Furthermore, they can be of help in locating the non-custodial parent and serving this paperwork.
These are only a few of the ways the attorney can assist in having a child support order put into place. However, they can be of help after the order has been put into place by the court. In the event the non-custodial parent isn’t meeting their obligations, the child support attorney in Torrance, CA can be of help as well. This may involve obtaining a wage garnishment or putting a hold on the parent’s tax refund, among other things.
To learn more about your options, visit the website of Shook & Associates Inc. Here you will find information of great benefit as you try to determine the right course of action for yourself and your children.