Do You Need To Hire A Social Security Disability Attorney?

by | Mar 16, 2017 | Legal


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The short answer is no, you don’t have to hire an attorney, however; as each case is unique, most applicants for Social Security disability benefits find it to be in their best interest to do so. There are two types of benefits available; SSI and SSDI, both of which are very different and have different requirements that must be met before benefits are granted. As the process can become very complicated, it is always a good idea to hire Social Security disability attorneys in Kansas City; representation increases the chances of your getting approval.

Although many applicants will hire an attorney when they first apply for benefits; the majority of applicants wait until they are denied benefits and face the appeals process. Of course, denial of benefits just adds to the stress but at last count, some 65 to 70 percent of all applicants were denied when they first applied.

Hiring an attorney to appeal your claim for benefits:

If you are among the majority that is denied benefits you have the right to hire Social Security disability attorneys in Kansas City and appeal. You have 60 days from your receipt of your denial letter to begin the appeals process, this is important, otherwise you will have to begin the process again right from the beginning.

Statistically, claimants that are represented by a seasoned Social Security attorney are twice as likely to be approved upon appeal. An attorney can help in a number of different ways:

   *   Gather any and all medical records that are required to support your appeal

   *   Get the opinion of physicians regards your disability

   *   Prepare you to handle the questions that you can expect to be asked by the Administrative Law Judge, and

   *   Cross examine and question experts brought in by the Administration

As the hearing with the ALJ will be held close to your home, chances are your attorney will be familiar with the judge and as such can tailor the way they will handle the hearing.

Social Security disability attorneys in Kansas City can make a big difference in whether you are eventually approved for disability benefits or not. You are invited to get in touch with the Grundy Disability Group, LLC.

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